Environmental Consulting for Our Aquatic World

Novo Aquatic Sciences, Inc. is an environmental consulting company based in the Pacific Northwest.   Specializing in aquatic biology, Novo Aquatic Sciences provides independent scientific services as well as fish, aquatic, and riparian technical advice to Our Clients throughout the Pacific NW Region:  Oregon, Washington, California, and AlaskaNovo Aquatic handles a range of projects for Our Clients involving the complicated inter-relations of the aquatic world surrounding us. 


We ensure:  Our Clients always receive

Solid Scientific Knowledge of Our Aquatic World
Integrated into Real-Life Applications 

for the range of environmental monitoring and assessment services we provide.

Our Company Principals

Steven Novotny,  President and Founder of Novo Aquatic, is Principal Scientist and Director of Research Services.  His team involvement provides substantial dynamic benefits to Our Clients: a range of project management experience combined with extensive expertise in fish monitoring and fisheries assessment, aquatic macroinvertebrate analysis, habitat impact assessments, aquatic restoration, permitting assistance, as well as monitoring methods of various waters and sediments. project quality assurance testing, and multi-platform systems management, as well as desktop publishing, technical and general editing skills.


Our Team of Professionals:

Novo Aquatic Sciences contracts with a trusted team of professional, highly skilled “partners”.  This Team of Strategic Partners, consisting of relationships cultivated through years of field research, results in a comprehensive network of available adjunctive services for Our Clients.


Our contracted Team of Strategic Partners  provide additional expertise in:

  • Marine Biology
  • Wetlands
  • Bird & Wildlife
  • Botany
  • Habitat
  • GIS
  • Geotechnical Services
  • Vessel Services
  • Underwater Photography Services


Independent Consultants hired by Novo Aquatic become part of Our Team of Partners, managed and supervised by Novo Aquatic. In essence, Novo Aquatic becomes the liaison for Our Clients so there is one point of contact responsible for keeping Our Client Projects moving forward, on task and on deadline, while upholding the highest possible standards.